
Odd coincidences.

There are in this life, the strangest coincidences, and I think sometimes that they are not coincidence, rather they are the universe swirling the waters, to get your attention.   There have been a number of these in the last handful of days, that have made me stop in my tracks and say.  Wait.  What is this.  Dreams of shaman, and then a message about shaman in the reflection of the day.  Opening a magazine I might not have ever looked at before, nor ever will again and finding an article about a man I knew long ago.  Standing across the table from a woman whom I had begun to connect with moments before as we stood over a box of mystery tools at a party game discussing weaving tools and antique jar openers, my Mom had one of these.  I know what it is, that looks like a tool for making pleats, I think that is a spinning hook.

Did you used to live on Thurber Street?

Why yes I did.

I thought you looked familiar.

And I you.

Later as we cuddle under a blanket on the couch ( you have to know this friend whose party we were at heats with wood in an old drafty Victorian house and it was very cold in the room we were in, but our comfort with one another was also a factor).  And we have talked back and forth now for several hours, I realize this is too an odd coincidence in these handful of coincidences.

When I moved I thought, I will miss this mulberry tree, her mulberry tree, but I thought, this other friend has a mulberry tree.  And here I am at that friends party and this woman is here.

And now she lives on the same street as the woman with the triplets whom I dreamed of just a couple days ago.

Its all so very strange.

Sometimes it is allegorical.

Sometimes it is utterly real.

As she leaves we hug tightly.

I suspect I will see her again.

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